Wednesday, October 15, 2008


Joe went to his middle school Halloween dance on Friday night. He knew that this could be a great memory for him and his friends but he was a bit nervous when he got around girls. Even thinking about speaking to a girl, he began to shake and foam at the mouth. After wiping his mouth, he realized that the dance hall was two blocks away and he began to feel sick. He knew he would eventually have to speak to girls but he didn't want to seem foolish and ridiculous in front of the girls and especially his macho friends. However, when he got to the party he saw to gangs facing each other with one gang being all the boys and the other being the girls. He was relieved but instead of just standing with the guys he went over and asked a girl to dance. She said yes and in his mind he could only think ,"Oh man! I forgot that I don't know how to dance."

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